I saw this vehicle earlier this fall at Target. It is a very large hot pink Hummer with the vanity plate "Hether". Now, again, I'm not judging. I drive a (14 year old) Ford Explorer, so I'm not throwing stones at the SUV community. It's just HUGE. PINK. And named Heather. (Remind me to tell you sometime about my two college roomates named Heather. It was hard to take phone messages: "Can I talk to Heather?" which Heather? "The Blond one" They are both blond, please be more specific. "The Cheerleader?" They are both cheerleaders, please be more specific.) This is just such a CONFIDENT vehicle.

Above the hippo is the word "Diva" in purple glitter. I'm trying to imagine the tree that goes on. It's probably really pretty and sparkly. Again, not judging, maybe you have one of these. I just always thought it would be insulting to be called a diva, but apparently now it is a compliment.
Those are high heels next to the flamingo, but even I can see that they go with "DIVA".
I was a little distracted in the ornament aisle by a young man who kept yelling "Buttscratcher!" at the top of his lungs in a fake english accent. (Butt....Scratchahhhh!) over and over again. I didn't know whether to hope he had Tourette's syndrome or not.
It was the strangest trip to Target ever. That may explain why I came home with a peacock for the top of my Christmas tree and a rainbow colored icicle, too. I also bought a brand-new skirt, not on sale! I wore it to Paul's work party and hoped I didn't look like "mutton-dressed-as-lamb".
How's your shopping going?
Kellet ~
You totally crack me up.
Today you had me cracking up
along with my 16 year old
daughter who was standing over
my shoulder reading your blog.
Thank you for bridging the generations & for always being
a pleasure to read.
Oh Kellet, you make me laugh out loud!
Thanks, friends! I am enjoying being part of the blog community
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