Anyway, I'm crabby. On a fabulous historic day? Yes! My crabbiness knows no season. Well, that is not strictly true, crabby can read a calendar. So this is a cranky day. And I'll share it with you!
The preschoolers were nutty, one (new guy) cried so hard for Dad that he almost puked on me, another one filled his pants and nobody remembers how to listen to the teacher! It's still like Whack-a-mole at circle time, get one to sit down and two others pop up. Today they added running around the room. Seriously like herding cats. I should know because my dog does herd the cat. That may explain the wrestling.

So here is another pet peeve. My husband cuts the cheese wrong. I know, who's husband doesn't have a problem with cuttin' the cheese? This is how Paul does it. Slices right through the package. Then he wants to put it in the refrigerator this way! Strangely, the cheese then dries out, go figure.
Peeve number 2: The dog is bored and is looking for trouble. Never get a smart dog, they are more trouble than they are worth. This week she is after the garbage. We got a metal, lidded can years ago to keep her out, but she knows when we forget to close it. She got pork rib bones last Thursday and was on double-secret probation until Saturday when I decided she hadn't done her guts any damage. She doesn't like being watched when she poops, but she thinks she has to go in the bathroom with me every time.
Peeve #3: I hate the gym. I hate exercising. I hate being out of shape even more, so off I go. As a reward, I love to sit in the steam room. I love being warm all over and feeling my sinuses slam open. So it makes me crazy when they decide to clean it right when I want to be in it! One time they forgot to turn it back on. I'm sure it's a conspiracy. They also play the most god-awful music. Today there was some song whose lyrics seemed to be "Put your hands in the air 'cause I'm gonna rob ya" repeated 1000 times. When it was finally over, I said, "Thank God" and three other women in the locker room said, "Amen!" Please note that at 1 in the afternoon, my gym is full of old ladies like me and no rap-loving teenagers.
Peeve #4: Is there some contest amongst store clerks as to who can send home the most useless plastic bags with each customer? I try to bring my own reusable bags but when I forget them, I am appalled by the number of bags they try to use. The bags themselves are so flimsy as to be almost unusable, so they compensate by putting one item in each. I had to stop a guy from putting a bucket of ice cream (which has it's own handle) in one. I also do not need each meat and egg item and chemical item wrapped in a separate bag. I do not need a bag for a single item, ever. The darn things are breeding under the sink as it is.
Why are the pets peevish? Merle (the cat) wants a water dish in each room and all of the dog's treats. The dog wants to sleep on the couch and Paul won't let her.
On the other hand, Today is a pretty great day. I voted for President Obama and I am hopeful that he will do as good a job as everyone expects, but we are expecting more from him than from any other president I can remember. I am at least confident that he is not a crook, is very intelligent and will keep his mind on the people's business instead of on the interns. I am proud of us, which is better than crabby!
Kellet, you are soooo funny. What a great post. Thank you for brightening my day. See you tonight, I hope. :)
Kellet ~ I, too, voted for Obama and so I say, "Go Obama!" I would also like to say, "Go Kellet!"
You really know how to hit the nail on the head! Loved your cheese story. Just curious - does your husband use a special cheese cutter or just a plain old kitchen knife? The bags? I bought 10 reusable bags at Walmart on Earth Day. I usually remember to bring them along on my weekly shopping spree. (I only re-use 6-7 at a time, though.) Then, when I toss them up on the conveyor belt & get "the look" from the cashier, I begin apologizing for using them! I only pull out my pile of coupons once the groceries are all safely bagged. I just wish I hadn't been raised with the good old Catholic (or Scandinavian)guilt thing!!!
Keep on blogging, Kellet.
Your entries make my day!
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