Today is Dollar Day at County Market. As you can see, the carts are full and the lines are long. The deals can't be beat, though. My receipt says I saved $101. I take this with a grain of salt, as it also says I saved $12 on red peppers alone (I bought 4 at a buck each). This would mean that the normal price for these is $4 each! This is a lie, they can be pretty expensive but not that bad, who would buy them? I bought a lot of meat. Most of it was a dollar a pound, which is bloody fabulous!
People were pretty nice today, too. Sometimes it gets a little ugly, especially around supper time.

I also make lotsa platelets, so sometimes I go and they extract those from my blood and then put the rest of the blood back in. If you have trouble passing the hemoglobin test at the bloodmobile it seems to help if your fingers are nice and warm before they poke them. This may be the worst photo EVER taken of me. I think I'll hang it on the refrigerator. As a horrible warning.
I am still waiting for the next Kim Harrison book, "White witch, Black Curse". I am number 1 on the list and I'm checking that a couple times a day. Seriously, whoever has it, read faster or I'll come to your house. You can't beat a nice bloodthirsty vampire book. I tried to read "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle", but gave up because I was too worried about Edgar's (entirely FICTIONAL) doggies! I don't like to be between books, it makes me cranky.
I was at County Market yesterday too! (I kind of like all of the drama of $ days!!) Anyways- I got a lot of meat too. Can't beat a $1 a pound!
I understand your frustration with waiting for a book. I finally got one I was waiting and waiting and waiting for, and then I read it in 2 days!
See you next week at book club!
If you take a photo with a phone...While being stuck with a large needle...you're not going to get the best side of yourself...hmmmm
Oh, I can't believe you didn't like Edgar!!
I'm still on the waiting list for this month's book club one...read faster guys!
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