I took my boys to O'Gara's in December. They said, "This is a good restaurant, Mom, how did you know it was here?" Because I GREW UP in that neighborhood! They were floored to find out I had a life before they were born. It was one of the first bars in which I tried out the new fake ID. We were pretty sure that if we turned our class rings around backwards, they looked like wedding rings, and therefore made us look older. Yeah, that fooled EVERYONE!

Next, Henry stopped by to chat. I dated Henry when I was a sophomore and he was a senior. My parents had a cow. My mother called Henry "that hood" because he wore a black leather jacket and smoked! It was like dating Fonzie. When Henry dumped me (to go to prom with Michelle M.) he gave me the whole, "it's not you, it's me" speech. Actually, he was very nice about it, but apparently felt bad because he apologized for the dumping last night! I assured him I was well over it and even had fun that prom night without him. Maureen was not helping and jokingly said that if Mike "Rook" Rogalski showed up, the trifecta of Kellet-dumpers would be complete!
Do you think that I dated mob guys, since everybody had a nickname? Mostly, it was my family. One young man showed up at a party at my house proudly sporting a sparse beard. My mother still calls him "old three hairs"!
The table we sat at started filling up with band people, choir people and drama people (I was a three time geek!) it was so nice to see them all. We caught up with each other and missed the people who were gone for good. On the way out the door, I saw Kathy Hallinan and gave her a big hug. She had no idea who I was. Awkward. When we got to the parking lot, Maureen and I figured out that I was thinking of PATTY Hallinan! (Hallinans are thick on the ground in St. Paul). Good thing we left.

I was looking for a "retro" recipe for you. This is one of Grandma Louise's. Refrigerator pickles are pretty old fashioned, you can tell when it has the notation, "A good keeper", meaning it lasts a long time in storage.
Kind of like old friendships, worth keeping!
Refrigerator Pickles
7 cups unpeeled, sliced cucumbers
1 cup sliced onions
1 cup green pepper rings (optional, in my opinion)
1 Tbls salt
1 cup vinegar
3/4 cup sugar
1 Tbls celery seed
Mix everything and store in refrigerator. Can be eaten in 2 days. A good keeper.
Oh, I'm so glad you went and had fun! We need a picture of you there though...
Thank you for the (as usual) awesome entry, Kellet. Your BFFL is lucky to have you & I'm so glad to call you my BCF! As in, Book Club Friend...)
(p.s. shout out to my best friend for life, Laura -- 26 years & going strong!)
LOVED this post Kellet. So glad you went to your mini-reunion. Everyone needs BFFs and having a BFF that you have known FOREVER is better yet! LOVED the stories of the people you went to school with and the nicknames too. My mom and I always have nicknames for the people I know so she can remember who they are. For instance....Foyer Boy.... A guy she was introduced to in my foyer. Thanks for brightening my day. Shouting back at ya Kris. :)
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