Look at that! Himself got a deer. He says it's only a forky, (two year old buck with forked antlers) but it looks pretty big to me. Must have been a big eater. Usually he just hunts with a bow, but took out the firearm on Monday. He has a license for both. So tonight will be the dismembering (all together now...EEEEEWWWW!) Some steaks, some roasts, maybe, but mostly ground for burger. We mix it with cheap hamburger or pork because venison is so lean. I do not participate in butchering, my job is to make room in the freezer and put the nice white-paper wrapped packages in it. Wimpy, I know. My sister-in-law Nicole does the whole thing, from shooting the deer to cooking him up. She is so perfect for my brother - he can't abide high maintenance women.
Incidentally, that is not my hubby's real smile. That is his "I'm-only-tolerating-this-because-I've-been-gone-4-days-and-I'm-hoping-to-get-friendly-later" smile.
I sent this chili with him this weekend. Four guys ate the whole batch for lunch one day! This is amazing because it makes an ice cream bucket full. It's odd how many of my recipes have that as a quantity...... By the way, this is an ideal recipe for using ground venison.
2 pounds ground beef, cooked and drained
1 cup chopped onion
1 chopped green pepper
1 chopped red pepper
4 cloves of garlic, minced or pressed
(2) 28oz cans of whole tomatoes, chop up the tomatoes
(1) 28oz can of tomato puree
2 Tbls worcestershire sauce
1 Tbls salt
2 Tbls sugar
5-6 Tbls chili powder
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp cumin
(2) 15oz cans kidney beans (drained)
Combine all ingredients and cook until vegetables are soft. Serve with grated cheddar cheese, sour cream and saltines.
1 comment:
Congrats to your family!! I got skunked last weekend and am headed back out again. And no, I dont need no high maintainaince woman.
Lil Bro,
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