Wicked was soooo good! I haven't seen a Broadway play in a million years and this one is terrific. The sets and the singing and the story were all I was hoping for.
I went with my sister Sarah and her colleagues. I was a little worried about hanging out with sophisticated downtown business people, but everyone was very nice and warm and generous. I was also reassured that Sarah's boss seems to know what an asset she is. (She's still my little sis, ya' know.)
We ate at Solera, which is right next door to the Orpheum. This is a beautiful restaurant with a Spanish theme. It serves "Tapas" which are little plates of appetizers. This tranlates as "Elf Food". Expensive elf food. Three deviled eggs were $9. There were 6 of us, so we doubled that order. We ordered 10 or 12 of these little plates and shared them all. They were all delicious and fancy, with flavored oil drizzles and fig jam (at least a teaspoon of that) and pretty garnishes. We all also shared 3 miniature desserts. Pear ice cream, Churros (deep fried pastries) and the most sublime caramel flan (custard) I have ever tasted. You will be proud to know that I did let other people have their share of this and did NOT lick the plate (but I wanted to).
The only blot on the evening was my choice of footwear. I chose my outfit with great care, I finally got to wear the gorgeous satin and velvet skirt I bought 2 years ago, with a black velvet top. I unfortunately also chose the black beaded pumps. I thought they were the most comfortable, but I was so wrong! They turned out to be too tight on the front of my foot, so they hurt, and too loose on the back, so they fell off. And the heels kept getting stuck in sidewalk cracks! High powered business women (like my companions) wear heels every day and they walk very fast indeed. I had a hard time keeping up, clomping along and having to stop and put the stupid shoes back on all the time! Yes, I am very sophisticated.
Anyway, it was a fabulous time. The play is much better than the book, which is dark and doesn't have a happy ending like the play. The play also connects better with the "Wizard of Oz" movie than the book does. The Strib has video of the actress (Donna Vivino) who plays the "wicked witch" Elphaba making herself green at startribune.com/video. I hope that made a link. I think this run is sold out, but the next time it comes to town, I want to go again. You can come with me, we'll wear shoes that are comfortable AND glamorous and we'll try another fancy downtown hotspot.
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