Last night we went to Buca Di Beppo for dinner to celebrate Nate's 16th birthday. Salad, spaghetti, chicken marsala and pizza were all great. Nate got birthday cake and we all sang "Happy Birthday" to him. He turned a very handsome shade of red.
Today I went to a preschool educational conference (I'll be there all day tomorrow, too). These conferences are put on every year by the ELEA (Evangelical Lutheran Educational Association? Something like that). They are really good. The speakers are inspiring, the classes are totally useful, the ideas are knee deep. I can't wait to get back to school to try some of this out on my little friends.
The first time I went to this conference, I was amazed to find people so much like me. I really fit in here! I dress like other preschool teachers (bright colors, comfy shoes), and I think like them (how can I use this in class?). The only other time this happened was at the MN Quilter's show. Again, bright colors, comfy shoes and looking for ways to apply new knowledge.
Yesterday I was pretending to be a unicorn for a group of 4 year-old girls. I had a ridiculous unicorn garment (meant to be a costume for a toddler) on my head and I was making up a story about the unicorn granting wishes or something. I turned around and saw a strange adult at the door (okay, I was really the strange adult). She was there to apply to be our class picture photographer (luckily, she did not have a camera with her). I felt silly, but it was worth it to see the look of delight on those little girl's faces.
I leave you with this quote:
"If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others" Haim Ginott
In other words, Catch 'em being good!
To Nate: Happy Birthday!
To Kellet: Let the "letting go" begin!
Oh,man! That's the hard part, right? When Nate was born, a co-worker told me that if I was doing my job right, every day he would get a little closer to independent, and a little farther away from me. Hard to keep in mind when he's two, but I can definitely see it from here.
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