#4. I have over 2100 books in my house. This includes over 800 works of fiction that I have cataloged (alphabetical by author, 3 categories; fiction, mystery, and science fiction.) Also included are 124 cookbooks and 33 textbooks/engineering books. Not included in the 2100 are the 2(?) sets of encyclopedias in the garage, the boxes of Readers Digest condensed books in the basement shower (they're under the boxes of fabric) or the 28 3-ring binders full of recipe clippings Also not included are the 13 books which are on probation. I have to read them before I know if they are WORTHY of the catalog. (It is possible to have too much Nora Roberts).
Mr. Ose says this is too many books. He has been making me gorgeous oak bookshelves for years now, whenever I start having to stack the books double on the shelves. I hate that because it ruins the alphabetical organization. I buy the books very cheaply, at garage sales and used book stores. I also check the sale area every time I go to the library. (Paperbacks just a quarter!) I can't help it! I love my books! I like the way they smell, (especially the old ones), the multi-colored covers, I love lending them out, (I have a system so I know who has what).
I have agreed to poll my friends. Is 2100 too many? Before you answer, (I may have lost you at the books in the basement shower part) know that I plan to get rid of the encyclopedias and scan the binder recipes into the computer. Nate cleaned his room today and is giving away a big bag of books from the 200 he had in his room. (The Bernd family DNA contains a book hoarding gene).
Also, over 170 of the 2100 are children's books that I need for work. Yeah, that's it, I need them for work! Many of these are mine from childhood, some were my father's childhood books. (That Bernd DNA again).
Random thing #5. I have radar for typos. I see them everywhere! I sometimes correct them in the books I own. I especially hate typos in stores and on signs. Sadly, this radar does not work on my own stuff, so I am always in danger of becoming what I hate in others.
Here's a nice, easy recipe from one of my 124 cookbooks (see? I need them all).
Dump Cake
1 can cherry pie filling 1 (21oz) can crushed pineapple with juice
1 cake mix, dry (white or yellow) 1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 cup melted butter or margarine
In a 9x13 (greased) pan spread the pie filling. Spread the pineapple and it's juice over that, then sprinkle dry cake mix over pineapple. Next sprinkle chopped nuts. Pour melted butter over the top. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Serve with Cool Whip. Yum!
You can NEVER have too many books!! PS - Mine are also alphabetized and Jay is building me more book shelves...
Tell Mr. Ose that there is no such thing as too many books. I can't get rid of children's books. (I also get to say that I use them for work.) I have to know, though, do you have any by Jolly Roger Bradfield? He was the best, when I was a kid...
I've never heard of Jolly Roger. I hope he is not as racist as some of the old children's books I have.
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