Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Here is the finished Fiona costume. Hmm, not what I was hoping. It is far too large and shapeless, It looks like what prison matrons wear in the land of Oz! Luckily, preschoolers are far too excited about the holiday to notice what I'm wearing. With the two classes we had:
4 witches (one in a hoop skirt and light-up hat)
1 kitty cat
1 cowboy
2 transformers
1 vampire bat
1 spider
2 princesses (one Cinderella, one Barbie)
1 lion
2 spidermen
1 mickey mouse
1 adorable little military man in dress blues
1 monarch butterfly
1 pokemon (Pikachu)
and one reluctant Scooby-doo

Way too cute! I wish I could post photos of my little friends, but I'm pretty sure that is a violation. Matt the fire fighter came to school today with his fire truck to discuss fire safety. He gave me some strange looks (probably the green face). Still, it's better than last year. I noticed after Adam the firefighter left that my fly was open! Very professional!

Tonight, not one trick-or-treater. Oh, well, more chocolate for me. Hope your Halloween is just scary enough. Boo!

1 comment:

Laura said...

LOVE the Fiona costume. Shrek movies are some of my all time faves.