Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pilot episode

"Why do you want a blog?" asks my hubby. Hmmm, don't really know. "Because my friends have one" sounds very childish, but it is partly true. I love to read Sue's and Gretchen's and Julie's blogs. Since I've been thinking of writing one, I find I'm writing it in my head all the time anyway. Maybe if I write it, I can get it out of my head. (this works for quilts and other creative things that won't leave my head any other way.)

Also, my computer skills are woefully inadequate for this millenium. Since I recently purchased this fine laptop, I need to learn how to do all the stuff my kids learned ages ago. Last week I learned how to put music (legally purchased) into my mp3player/phone. I wrote it down, it's very complicated, it takes up most of a page of my scribbly handwriting. I think a blog will require many basic skills and be fun.

Last but not least, I need to practice talking without putting my foot in my mouth. Writing has the advantage of editing. Still, I'm afraid you are going to find out just how strange I really am...

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