Monday, April 27, 2009

Do the right thing

Look! We have a new friend! Sadly, he's not ours to keep. We were watching a movie on Sunday night, (Vicky Christina Barcelona. I got one word - Pasadena. It was so dull that near the end I WISHED Penelope Cruz would shoot somebody so we didn't have to watch them anymore!) Anyway, who do we see trotting through our backyard but this fine retriever! He was wet, cold, very hungry and more than happy to come in and get off the street. We live by a busy road so we cannot just let dogs go their merry way. He is the latest in a long line of dogs who show up here after they've gone walkabout.

The difference with this guy is I was afraid he was the same dog who was hiding in our yard last summer when the owner from hell came looking for him. Five a.m. and I wake up to this horrible man bellowing at his cringing dog under my bedroom window. He was mad because the dog wouldn't come to him. DUH! The dog knew it wasn't going to end well. And it didn't. The man grabbed the dog, walloped him and stuffed him in his truck. By the time I got outside, he was long gone. I have replayed this in my head a hundred times. What makes a man behave worse than any child in our preschool? Can one reason with such a person? Why can't he see that if you tell the dog to "come" and then smack him, he will not want to come next time? He's just trained the dog to disobey.

So here is this gorgeous, nice, dog in my house. What is the right thing to do for this dog? He might belong to the world's sweetest family, who are missing him terribly. He sure didn't act like a beaten dog, he was friendly and slurpy and frankly, a little wild. He was wearing a shock collar, but no tags. These collars have 2 big prongs that stick into his neck. I removed it.

What would I do if this was a child? I would report my suspicions to the authorities. So we took him to the humane society, on the advice of my vet. This is where I would look for my dog if Lucy went missing. I told them about the dog smacking owner and described him, in case he was this dog's owner. They said he had already been reported missing and his family would be coming right over to get him. His name is Bear. I hope it's a nice family.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I am blogging to you today from a remote location! This is new for me, I've never taken the computer out of the house. Whole point of a laptop, right? So here I am at my favorite coffee shop in downtown Anoka. I have been coming to Avant Garden for at least 10 years. This is where I taught the boys to play chess. It's in a beautiful old building with a pressed tin ceiling and a long mahogany bar. It's right on Main Street, between 2nd and 3rd. It's cozy in winter, but in the summer I love the hidden garden in the back.

This is a tiny little garden between Billy's and the coffee shop. Trees, birds, flowers and caffeine, what more could I want?
They are turning the inside walls into an art gallery for local artists.

The spring migration of songbirds has begun! Yesterday I saw a Myrtle Warbler. These are also called the "Yellow rumped warbler", for obvious reasons. They look like a chickadee with bright yellow armpits and butt. They are always the first warblers I see in the spring. My cat, Merlin is an avid bird-watcher. I have feeders and a heated birdbath on the deck so we can both watch birds all winter.

This is a Pine Siskin. These were at my feeders all winter and will soon decamp for the north. The Juncos have already left. Siskins are what my brother, Chris, calls "little brown jobbies" or "LBJ's". I like them, they are chirpy and not at all shy. They are very fond of thistle seed.

Merlin gets very tired after a bird-watching session and must nap. He sleeps like this all over the house. He does a very good impression of roadkill.

In the spring, my little friend the chipmunk also wakes up. It is so happy to see this feeder I've placed low for Merle's entertainment. It stuffed it's little cheeks so full of sunflower seeds that I'm surprised it could get it's head through that hole. Paul put a bounty on it. Lucy-dog may get it first, she hates chipmunks and has killed more than one. She leaves them in Paul's parking space as a gift. She caught and ate an entire (huge) grey squirrel one day. Then she barfed it up in the living room.

What do birdies and squirrels have in common besides eating me out of house and home? They both taste like chicken!

I made this yummy dip last weekend. It's not cheap, but it is really good and makes a lot of dip. I bought the chicken salad at Aldi for $3.50 a pint. I ate the extra half pint for lunch. Instead of baking the dip, you could put it one of those little baby crockpots. This is a very low-carb item if you use the celery for dipping.

Hot Buffalo Chicken Dip

8 oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup hot wing sauce (Frank's Red Hot is great)
1/2 cup sour cream
1 Tbls ranch dressing mix (powdered, like Hidden Valley)
3 cups chicken salad, packaged or from the deli, or make it yourself)
1 and 1/4 cups shredded pepper jack cheese
dippers such as crackers, celery sticks, tortilla chips, baguette slices, etc

Mix cream cheese, hot sauce, sour cream and ranch mix, stirring until smooth. Fold in chicken salad and cheese. Bake in 1 quart (greased) casserole for 45-55 minutes until bubbling, or nuke and put into small crockpot. Makes about 4 cups dip.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Party at my house!

Saturday we had company for dinner. I know! Twice in a week! At least the oven was still clean, my Easy-off blisters are barely healed. (I need to remember to use gloves, elbow length would be best).
As you can see, I'm wearing the Joe's Crab Shack "Bite Me" t-shirt. I usually wear this as a warning to my family. They appreciate knowing when I'm in an evil mood without having to get too close. I'm not evil very often, but when I am, it's safest to just stay away. These fits don't last long, I was back to myself before my sister and her family arrived. We grilled burgers, soaked in the hot tub, and watched "Quantum of Solace".

It was so nice out that we sat on the deck for quite a while. I totally forgot the buns baking in the oven! That is a little too done... Nate drove Paul to the store for more buns. I asked Sarah to bring a side dish and I made calico beans and a pasta salad. Sarah brought calico beans and a pasta salad! (Great minds think alike).
Here Paul puts worcestershire sauce on the burgers. It's his "secret ingredient". Sarah and James are impressed. When will the trees get leaves? I have a photo of the kids in the hot tub, but the baby wasn't wearing swim trunks. Ergo, you can't see it.

I made these yummy little items for dessert. I heard about them from a relative (She posted the recipe on Facebook). Nobody I know in MN has heard of these, but they're sweeping the country. Oreo Balls! So simple and so delicious. My only complaint about oreos has always been that they're a little dry. (I hate dry food) These are like oreos that have already been chewed! Wait, that makes them sound icky. They are not icky! The cream cheese flavor is covered up by the oreos. Cream cheese and oreos, what's not to love?

Oreo Balls

1 package oreo cookies
1 (8oz) pkg cream cheese
1 (11 oz) pkg chocolate chips (or better quality chocolate, go nuts)
1 Tbls shortening

Grind oreos in the food processor until they are crumbs. Add cream cheese and mix. (I had to do this in 2 batches). Chill or freeze mixture until easy to handle. Roll into balls and freeze. Melt chocolate chips with shortening (nuking works great) and dip balls in melted chocolate to coat. Keep these in the refrigerator or freezer, your choice. I like the fridge.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Opener - It's ON!

Garage sale season, my favorite time of year! Colorful signs on street corners make my heart beat faster. Open house signs give me false hope until I get close enough to read them. It makes me crazy to follow one only to find out that there is no sale, the sign is left over from last week! Take those down, people, or be prepared to show me your garage!

I don't know why I love garage sales so much, is it because it's so heady to know that I can buy anything in the place? The thrill of the hunt? The fantastic bargains? The ability to learn a little something personal about people by poking through their stuff? (who is a foodie, who likes SpongeBob too much, who reads trashy novels, who hasn't cleaned out their closet since the era of huge shoulderpads). Probably a little bit of each. My sister asked me why I was so into them when she was in college. Then she started taking notes. It seems she was writing a paper, for ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY! She never did explain which particular disorder I have contracted. Sarah is a very sweet person, but she will never understand why anyone would want to purchase other people's junk. Hah! More for me!

I have scored a Kirby vaccuum cleaner for $5. These go for thousands of dollars new! We've actually bought 3 Kirbys this way. Paul combines the best parts we've got power, power, power!
(Make a "Tim the Tool-man Taylor" noise here). Bread machines also go for $5, as do ice-cream makers, which explains why I have more than one of each of these. I buy most of my wardrobe at garage sales. This is where my logic fails a bit, because I'm no fashion plate. It is nice, however, to know that if the fingerpaint doesn't come out of my shirt, I haven't wasted a lot of money.

I buy lots of my beloved books at garage sales. The price is right, provided the seller knows that hard covers should be $1 or less and paperbacks should be 50 cents. Rich people have good stuff, but they think they should charge a lot more than stuff is really worth. It isn't our fault you paid too much for those shoes, now they are used shoes and are worth very little. Poor people have low prices, but they have gotten all the use out of their stuff already. One more caveat: NOBODY will buy stained clothing, used underwear, or old margarine tubs. (Not even me!) These need to be thrown out or recycled.

One of the best parts of the wild and wacky world of garage saling is the sheer wonder at some of the amazing crap that exists. I have seen housewares that are ugly beyond belief, and yet somebody bought it when it was new! And displayed it in their home! Some of these things are crafty items that somebody spent countless hours on and put their heart into, and yet are absolutely hideous. This tickles me. What were you thinking? Coffee cups with (swinging!) breasts? Socks that play music? Rugs made out of old nylon stockings? Absolutely horrible, yet fascinating.

So, I propose a contest! Who can find the most awful garage sale item out there? You do not have to buy it if you can take a photo of it at the sale. People are going to wonder about you, snapping pictures of ugly lamps, but you can always say you need to show it to your spouse before investing.
Enter as many times as you like, e-mailing me the photo. Winner(s) will be announced in September when the season winds down. To get you started, here is a contestant I ran across yesterday:

This here is a lamp that blows air out of the center, which inflates the handkerchief-like shade. As a bonus, it comes with aromatherapy oils, so all that blowing air isn't wasted. Was it a gift for a parachutist? Who thinks up stuff like this?

Here is the 2008 winner. (Of course I won, I was the only one playing). It is a frog driving a golf cart made entirely of seashells! Couldn't be sillier! I know you want it. So get out there and see what amazing things there are to see (and send me pictures!)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Foil has many uses

Did you have a nice Easter? We did. We got all the work done, got up in time for the sunrise service and even had all the food cooked by the time the guests arrived. This is my mother-in-law, Phyllis.
She's an awfully good mother-in-law, and I'm not just saying that because she reads my blog!

This is my brother-in-law, Tim. Tim's a hard working guy and he was glad to have a day off from working in the salt mines. (Rainbow, actually)

After we ate, we had to try to fit the leftovers into the fridge. This is where the foil comes in handy. That odd-shaped ham won't fit into any of my tupperware!

After the guests left, we watched "Australia". Have you seen this? The scenery is gorgeous. And not just Hugh Jackman, although just the scene with him and the bucket of soapy water is worth the price of the rental! This movie was interesting because it had so many places it could have ended. We'd think it was over and it would start up again!

Today I got my hair done. On my head, in case you're not up on modern cosmetology, is tin foil. This keeps the bleach from getting on ALL my hair. Then I just have "highlights". As a bonus, while I'm having this done, the aliens can't read my thoughts. (They are baffled by tin foil).

See? Finished product! I look more like me and less like a frump.

So, what recipe goes with a cut and foil?

(Peroxide) Blonde Brownies

Butterscotch or peanut butter chips can be used in place of the chocolate chips.


  • 1/4 cup butter-flavored shortening or margarine
  • 1-1/2 cups Brown Sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips


In a large bowl, cream shortening and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla. Combine flour, baking powder and salt; gradually add to the creamed mixture and mix well. Stir in nuts and chocolate chips.
Spread into a greased 11-in. x 7-in. baking pan. Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack. Cut into bars. Yield: 2 dozen.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter, Metalmouth !

Look! Nate got his braces on! His teeth aren't too bad, he'll likely only need the braces for a year. Little brother was inclined to tease Nate, until he found out he will be NEXT! Poor Nate is hurting a little today, but I bought some brush-on stuff at Target that he says helps. He also says it makes his lips numb, but you can't have everything, right?

My favorite (newish) TV ad is the cadbury egg one where the animals are wearing bunny ears and making chicken noises. I think the kitty is new this year, "Cluck-meow, cluck-meow"! I also still laugh everytime I see the CapitalOne viking washing himself with the windshield wiper squeegee. Worst new ad? Bacon and egg breakfast entrees for your spoiled little doggie. (The one with a better wardrobe than me). This is only going to give the dog "the runs". Do we need that? Not with company coming over.

Whatcha doing for Easter? We'll probably go to the sunrise service. I like that one. It is easy to feel the joy of the opened tomb then. After that we will have Paul's mom and brother over for dinner. I don't entertain often, mostly because I get too nervous when people are coming over. This is due to my lack of interest in housekeeping. I'm not a pig, and I don't live in a garbage house, but I'm always sure my standards are lower than yours. On the other hand, I make a terrific guest, because you don't have to do a lot to impress me! So today I'm cleaning the basement so I can move all my scrapbooking stuff off the dining room tablie. Do hardboiled eggs count as a centerpiece?

I do like to cook Easter dinner, though. We're having ham, and cheesey potatoes and asparagus and Jello eggs and some salads. I'm hungry for something lemony, so I'm making this dessert. As a bonus, it's nice and soft for Nate!

Eleanor's Lemon Dessert

1 angel food cake, cubed
1 can sweetened condensed milk
Juice of 4 lemons
1 pint whipping cream, whipped with a little less than 1/2 cup sugar

Put 1/2 of cake cubes in bottom of 9x13 pan. Squish them down a little. Mix lemon juice and milk, fold in sweetened whipped cream. Pour 1/2 lemon mixture over cake, then remaining cake, then rest of lemon mixture. Chill several hours. Garnish with leon slices, real or candy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weekend with friends

We had a great time this last weekend with our friends at the cabin-which-belongs-to-Paul's-relatives. Jason and Sara and their kids Isabella and Colt are so easy to spend time with.

Paul and Jason burnt some brush on the fire.

Jason is a fabulous cook, and he outdid himself on Saturday night with smoked ribs and a terrific potato and sweet potato dish. We always eat very well on these weekends, we deserve to be spoiled!

Bella and Nate played war on the porch. They also played several games of chess. They tried to play cribbage until they realized neither of them knew how.

Colt loves the zipline! All the kids spent the day outside, going down the zipline, tromping around in the woods, shooting BBguns and getting soaking wet. The adults just kept drying out mittens and boots and swapping them for wet stuff.

There is a book called "Last Child in the Woods" in which the author posits the theory that children who do not spend enough time outdoors may develop a disorder.

Yeah, our kids don't have that!

Sara is a dedicated college student (and substitute teacher) who is studying to be a full time teacher. Homework is much more pleasant done outdoors on a nice day.

Here Nick demonstrates the use of the zipline. It is probably every kid's favorite cabin feature. That is Lucy barking at the end, she doesn't like it when her "sheep" fly through the air.

I made the following tasty dessert. It is one of my favorites. I made the mistake, however, of asking Nate and Nick to crush the pretzels for the crust. I turned around just in time to see them using the bag of pretzels as a pinata! And then it exploded! All over the kitchen. Two boys for sale......going cheap!

Strawberry Pretzel Dessert

2 cups crushed pretzels (about 8 oz)
3/4 cup melted butter or margarine
3 Tbls sugar
Stir these together in a 9x13 pan. Press evenly onto the bottom. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Cool while preparing filling:
8oz softened cream cheese
8oz Coolwhip
1 cup sugar
Beat cream cheese in mixer and add sugar and coolwhip. Beat until smooth and spread over pretzel crust. Chill while preparing topping:
2 packages (3oz each) strawberry jello
2 cups boiling water
2 packages (16oz each) frozen sliced strawberries, kinda thawed
Dissolve jello in boiling water, stir in strawberries with syrup, chill until partially set, pour over cream cheese filling. Chill 4-6 hours until firm.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Exciting adventures in grocery Shopping

Yesterday I purchased groceries on-line.I feel very high-tech. One of the local stores bought the "Simon delivers" franchise and you can order groceries and have them delivered to your house! I know this isn't new, but I've never done it. The reason I tried it is that new customers can get $50 off a $150 order. $150 dollars worth of food for $100? I'm in! If you want to do this, go to and check it out. The order has to be over $150 (not as hard as you'd think), and delivered by April 8. Delivery charge of $5. Use the promo code STRIB50 at step 1 of checkout. I also got some free grapes by using some code shown to me when I ordered the grapes.

It is supposed to be delivered today between 5 and 9. The earlier the better, because I just realized that my dinner is on that truck! I could have planned that better. I am not sure I will be doing this very often, I thought the prices of the groceries were a little high, and it took a while to order, but I think I came out ahead.

Fargo update: I have heard from both Gene and Renee in Fargo and they made it through the flood OK. Renee's parents have a new pool in the basement but it could be worse. Best news: My brother Erik is leaving Iraq mid-April and coming home! YAY!

Here is the recipe I am waiting to cook until the Coborn's truck arrives. (It's Semi-homemade).
Oops, trucks here! We gave the delivery guy a $5 tip, although he says a gratuity is not necessary.

Ravioli Stroganoff (serves 4)

1 (25 oz) Pkg refrigerated cheese ravioli (I'm using a 32 oz pkg of frozen, it'll be fine)
2 tsp oil
1 lb lean ground turkey
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
1 can (10 3/4 oz) cream of mushroom soup
1 cup of milk
3/4 cup sour cream (I bet low fat would work, too)

Heat the oil in a frying pan and add turkey and seasoning. Saute until turkey is brown, breaking up turkey into little pieces. Stir in soup and milk. Bring to a simmer, remove from heat and stir in sour cream. Cook ravioli according to package directions and toss in sauce to coat. This would be nice with a salad.